
User Agreement

Welcome to the services we provide. Please read and fully understand the following terms. By logging in to the service, you are deemed to have fully agreed to all the terms of this agreement, including any modifications we make to the terms of use. If you disagree with any terms of this agreement, you can choose to terminate your login (or stop using the service).

Acceptance of Terms

1.1 When a user uses a specific service we provide, they should adhere to the guidelines and rules related to that service. All guidelines and rules constitute a part of this user agreement.

1.2 If a user objects to any terms of this agreement, please cease using all the services we provide.

1.3 Users are required to comply with all terms of this agreement and use the services we provide lawfully and reasonably. Otherwise, we reserve the right to terminate the provision of services to the user based on this agreement.

1.4 We reserve the right to revoke the account used by the user at any time.

Usage Rules

2.1 Users must take full responsibility for the authenticity, legality, and validity of the login information used in the services we provide. Users must not impersonate others, publish any information using someone else’s identity, or maliciously use an account to mislead others.

2.2 The services we provide are a platform for information sharing, dissemination, and retrieval. Information published by users through the services we provide is public information and can be accessed by third parties. By publishing information, users acknowledge that such information is public and take individual legal responsibility for this action. Any information that users do not wish to be known by third parties should not be posted on the services we provide.

2.3 Users undertake not to engage in any activity through the services we provide that directly or indirectly violates Chinese laws, social ethics, or endangers national security, among other things. We reserve the right to delete content that violates these commitments.

2.4 Users are prohibited from creating, uploading, copying, publishing, transmitting, or reposting content that:

Opposes the fundamental principles established by the Constitution.
Harms national security, leaks state secrets, subverts the state power, or undermines national unity.
Damages the honor and interests of the country.
Incites ethnic hatred or discrimination, or disrupts ethnic unity.
Insults or abuses the image of heroes, denies their deeds, or glorifies aggression.
Undermines national religious policies or promotes cults and feudal superstitions.
Spreads rumors, disrupts social order, or undermines social stability.
Disseminates obscene, pornographic, gambling-related, violent, murderous, terror-inducing, or criminal content, or incites crimes.
Insults or defames others or infringes upon their legal rights.
Contains false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, invasive of privacy, harassing, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, or other morally offensive content.
Contains content restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, departmental rules, and other legally effective norms.
Contains content that the services we provide consider unsuitable for display on the platform.

Intellectual Property

3.1 All original content (including but not limited to discussions and comments) published by users on the services we provide belongs to the users themselves. Users can authorize third parties to use their original content in any way without the need for consent from the services we provide.

3.2 If a third party reposts a user’s original content published on the services we provide for non-commercial purposes outside of the services we provide, they must clearly attribute the original author’s name (or the account name used by the original author on the services we provide) at the beginning of the work, provide a link to the original content on the services we provide, indicate “Published on the services we provide,” and not modify the work or derive new content from it. If modifications are required or the content is to be used for commercial purposes, the third party must contact the user to obtain separate authorization and use the content according to the user’s specified manner.

3.3 Users warrant that the content uploaded or posted on the services we provide is either owned by them or used under legal authorization, and that the content will not infringe upon the legal rights of any third party. If a third party raises objections regarding copyright, the services we provide have the right to delete the relevant content based on the actual situation and have the right to pursue legal action against the user. If the services we provide or any third party suffer losses due to the user’s content, the user shall be responsible for full compensation.

3.4 If any third party infringes upon the rights of a user related to the services we provide, the user agrees to authorize the services we provide or its designated agents to represent the services we provide or the user to issue warnings, complaints, initiate administrative enforcement, litigation, appeals, or negotiate settlements with the third party. The user also agrees to participate in joint rights protection as deemed necessary by the services we provide.

3.5 The services we provide have the right, but not the obligation, to review the content posted by users and have the right to deal with infringing content based on relevant evidence and in accordance with laws, regulations, and guidelines, such as the “Copyright Law” and the “Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Information Network Communication.”

Posted on
August 14, 2023
Licensed under